Watch two different programs in PIP (picture-in-picture) or PAP (picture-and-picture) format. New features with TVs V2 00: - V2 00 TVs are supported for now with enhanced features. For example: Start recording (continuous, alarm, pre-alarm), switch alarm relay, trigger preset of a PTZ dome, notification by SMS, e-mail, announcement on loudspeakers near the camera, output of data to connected systems, etc. Event Action Event wizard with setting options for almost unlimited actions and makros when events occur.Event Source A variety of internal or external events can trigger actions such as alarm contacts, motion detection, video analytics parameters etc.Tamper Protection Detection of scene change, defocus, sudden audio increase/decrease or audio loss.Object Removal Objects removed from the pre-defined region, such as the exhibits on display.Unattended Baggage Objects left over in the pre-defined region such as the baggage, purse, dangerous materials.Region Exiting Exit from a pre-defined virtual region.Region Entrance Enter a pre-defined virtual region from the outside place.Line Crossing Cross a pre-defined virtual line.Intrusion Detection Enter and loiter in a pre-defined virtual region.

Supported 3rd party brands More than 10,000 models of IP devices supported including more than 3,100 models of network devices integrated using proprietary protocol and 6,900 ONVIF compliant devices.

Log File Support Events, macros, changes, activities per user.Languages Arab, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish.